Hex Bolt

About this product

A crucial part of the Drive-Chassis/Pump & Actuator, and Sequential or Multi-Mode Manual Transaxle systems, the Hexagon Bolt (#9008010216) plays an essential role in ensuring a vehicle's operational integrity. This auto part, a genuine Toyota product, is primarily responsible for securing and holding various components together, allowing for a smooth and safe drive. Over time, the Hexagon Bolt (#9008010216) can experience wear and tear, leading to a potential loosening or breakage. If not replaced regularly, this can result in the auto part becoming ineffective, risking the stability of the system it supports, and consequently, the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, using genuine Hexagon Bolt (#9008010216)s ensures vehicle compatibility and optimizes performance. Trusting in genuine parts contributes to maintaining your vehicle's functionality, safety, and longevity.