Hex Bolt

About this product

The Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#9010506041) is a vital component in Toyota's Body/Rear Ventilator & Roof Ventilator, Body/Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay, and Body/Hood & Front Fender systems. This auto part plays a crucial role in securing and maintaining the structural integrity of various parts of the vehicle. In operation, the Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#9010506041) fastens components tightly together, reducing the risk of parts becoming loose or dislodged, especially during movement or vibration. Over time, this bolt can experience wear and tear, which may lead to loosening or breakage. If not replaced, this can compromise the stability of the systems it holds together, potentially leading to structural damage or failure. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement helps maintain optimal vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts, like the Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#9010506041), are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of this specific bolt contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the systems it is installed in.