Tapping Screw

About this product

The Tapping Screw (#9016840067), a key part of Toyota's Body/Rear Ventilator and Roof Ventilator systems, plays a crucial role in securing components together. This screw penetrates and forms matching threads into the material it is being driven into to ensure a tight, secure fit. As this part ages, corrosion or wear may compromise its ability to secure ventilator components. Should the Tapping Screw (#9016840067) become broken or non-functional, this could lead to loose or dislodged parts within the ventilator systems. This not only affects the efficiency of these systems but could also pose potential safety risks. Investing in genuine Toyota parts like the Tapping Screw (#9016840067) for replacement aids vehicle compatibility. Moreover, these parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing further peace of mind. The Tapping Screw (#9016840067) is an integral part of ensuring the secure assembly and overall safety of Toyota's ventilator systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 9016840067